
By Wildwood

Ozzie Finds a Friend

Our friend Chris, his wife Judy and their daughter, Hazel arrived with our library bookcases (four of them) this morning. Hazel and Ozzie became fast friends, especially after Hazel shared her linch with him. She is full of life and curiosity and a total charmer.

OilMan and I made a quick trip across town to visit our stone slab with the templates for the kitchen counter on them. It has been a multi-day process just to get it to this point.
Day 1) David removes old counter tops and replaces them with plywood
Day 2) Sergio comes and makes templates.
Day 3) We meet Antonio, who has placed the templates on the slab, and approve his placement. It all looked good to us so we raced home to see what was happening with our library.
Now I understand the full implications of the following phrases:
1)"Written in stone..." and
2)"Measure twice, cut once"

Now Chris is trying to quietly screw the bookcases to the wall because Hazel has fallen asleep...interesting concept....

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