
By Colgaize82

Home (not really) Learning.

After a lovely few days, today was a bit of a ‘come-down’.

There was nothing particularly wrong with it; I just haven’t been in the best of spirits & have found things to be a bit of a grind.

Today was the beginning of Summer Term ‘home learning’ (it should’ve been yesterday but my own work had to take precedence in the morning & then, it was Grandma’s birthday garden fun in the afternoon so the ‘rules’ were relaxed, somewhat).

Being a teacher & having done a year-long crash course through the complexities of child psychology, development & learning from age 3 upwards (otherwise known as a PGCE) I should, in theory, be well-equipped to deal with a 5 year old who is super-intelligent but far too savvy to engage with ‘formal learning’.

I am not. I am not well-equipped & I have been ‘out-savvied’ where home learning is concerned. Today, I was met with outright refusal & dissent from within...

I was not winning this tete a tete!

I had a coffee, sang for a bit (got told to be quiet), checked my own ‘classrooms’ (wished I hadn’t!) had another think & then I set up some paints.

After about 10 minutes of my song & dance performance relating to my own half term picture (“ooh, that’s a nice blue for the lake on my picture; I bet Mrs R will think my picture is excellent!), my youngest came strolling in & much against her better judgement, completed her own beautiful effort.

She even wrote a sentence, explaining what she had done but she was NOT doing it in pencil- she would do it in felt pen instead. I wasn’t going to argue with that!

We got through another day of home learning & I’m relieved to say the gauntlet will be handed to her father tomorrow.

Now time to cajole said savvy child into bed before I get my laptop out again & take myself off, back to work.


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