
I had another rough day. 

I slept badly, and really struggled to get going in the morning. I was just ready to get started in the Office when the Boss appeared and sent me home for an hour. He needed the Office for a Zoom meeting. 

I had to deal with a few difficult people on the phone, and it can be a challenge if I am tired and grumpy. One of the positives of working from home is that I escape most of that. 

Certainly having work organised this way suits me much better than the pre-virus arrangements, apart from the lack of human contact and the benefits which come from working in a team. 

I had been thinking of cutting back to 2.5 or 3 days a week starting this month. I do not feel the need at the moment, and anyway I think going up to 5 days a week is what the Boss would like. I will not be doing that. 

The Blip is a badge which hangs in a prominent place in my kitchen. Sometimes I look at it and remember. Today I did.

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