New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Magpie and Dramatic sky

I wasn't sure what was going to make the cut for today's blip.  Was it going to be the pale pink foxglove, a vista of the village, or the dramatic sky?  Well, turns out none of those because I was almost home from the evening walk when there was a commotion in the tree above me, a thud on the pavement behind me and this little chap sitting there. 

I tried to pick him up to get back into the tree, but he was too quick, so a phone call brought the husband round with a blanket.  Husband returned the little chap to the tree and fingers crossed it'll now survive the night - looks nearly fledged and possibly fell on a flight attempt, fingers crossed!

Dramatic sky came a close second but wasn't nearly as cute so was relegated to an extra.

Today's Soundtrack: Shame, Shame, Shame by Lake Street Dive

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