A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8


I don't usually sound off on here, but for this farce I will make an exception.
Today I had to get an ear test carried out with an Audiologist.
Now if you have ever had one of these tests carried out you will know this. The test is basically a case of getting a range of tones played through a pair of headphones via a computer. You can see the equipment here.

You will also know or understand that that these tones are sometimes extremely quiet. SO HOW CAN YOU BE EXPECTED TO HEAR THEM WHEN THE OPERATOR IS CLATTERING AWAY CONSTANTLY ON THE CHEAPEST AND NOISIEST KEYBOARD ON THE PLANET? Sorry I will stop shouting. As if that wasn't bad enough the audiologist breathed very heavily through his/her nose which really needed to be purged into a handkerchief and rocked back and forward CONSTANTLY on a chair which squeaked like a mouse undergoing open heart surgery without anesthetic. If you have ever had the misfortune to be in a room whilst this particular procedure is carried out, you will know just how piercing that particular frequency of squeaking is.

It was a pretty poor show and whilst I am normally the sort to let these things go I have already written a letter to the health board suggesting they review their facility. I don't for one minute think they will change anything, but in the past when I had a similar test I was put into a soundproof room. Makes sense does it not?

Oh and my hearing is fine thank you!

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