Today was supposed to be rainy but the sun came out and it turned into a beautiful evening. My daughter and I took advantage and went for a nice long walk by the lake. She loves to feed the chickadees which always manage to find someone who has some seed to offer, however, this mooch came along again and again and again to pick through the seed. Nuthatches are so picky!
We, sadly, also saw the ending to a tragedy - but nature's way. One of the muskrat kittens was dead in the water and the culprit was still there - a Snapping Turtle. Luckily, it took its dinner to the bottom to eat, so we were saved that sight. There are so many dangers for the young...
Then we saw a deer running beside the pond which leads to the beach (no clear shot through the brush), a raccoon who had just visited Blue-winged Teals' nests (I don't think he got anything), a heron who had managed to snag a large carp, a Kingfisher, and another Snapping Turtle that appeared to be injured as there was a piece out of its shell on top. It was a giant, too, so no idea what could have caused that damage. A heron had been in that area when we first arrived???? Perhaps? It was still living so I am curious to return tomorrow to see if it is still there or has gone happily on its way.
It was like a zoo there this evening. Oh, and a beaver and muskrat swam by! My kind of place :)
I hope you all had a good one!
D x
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