The finished cushion cover

There were times when I had just started knitting this cushion cover, that I couldn't believe it would ever look like anything! Now it's finished I am really pleased with it and it looks fine on Granny's chair in the satsumary.

The chair was always in my granny's kitchen, where I spent lots of time with her. So many memories, the happiest times of my childhood were when I was staying with her and my granda in Northumberland.

The chair is lovely and worn, the wood faded and beautifully aged. Underneath it has a label saying it is an Ibex brand. They seem to have been the standard kitchen chair years ago. 

Whenever it started creaking, Granny told me she would leave it outside overnight for the joints to tighten up!  It now lives in my hut, so it should be okay out there. 

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