Happy hens
A slightly cooler day today (we are due storms) so I managed to keep at it until 9.15 without expiring from heat exhaustion! The hens were delighted to discover that, after some early planting exploits, today was the day for starting to move the compost heaps into the new compost bins, and thereby uncover a whole world of wonderful compost that can be spread around the garden - once the hens have sorted it for worms, grubs and other goodies, of course.
An early find was a salamander - so the hens were quickly shooed away and the poor confused creature covered up again. They are probably poisonous to hens so, when I find them, I tend to relocate them elsewhere for everyone's protection! Very lucky to see them so often though.
A much quieter work day, so a chance to catch up on some admin and general loafing.
I have just remembered that tonight is the recently re-instated poetry night here chez SooB. We are all supposed to present a poem (you can read it out of the book, you don't have to remember it). Can't even remember why I suggested it now. Best go and see if there are any poetry books left on the shelf....
Oh, and there's a load of backblips for the committed.
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