Honed my modelling skills to make my new camera. Do not look in large . . . all you will see will be my mistakes, starting with card that was too thin. Oh well . . . it occupied me for a while. If you want to try and make your own, click on this link.

Other camera makes are available . . . but Olympus rules !

As an added memory to Billy, I think he may have appreciated the return of Horse Racing in the UK . . . and the betting and commentary on the first race is recorded below if you want to waste a little bit of time. Enjoy !
Stay safe and happy !


“And its Public Opinion leading Frightened Minister by 2 metres, with Teaching Union a furlough behind” . . .

Here is the rest of the Betting Board :

Clap the Carer 3/1

Whitty Fan Club 4/1

Lockdown Crazy 9/1

Covidiot Army 12/1

Barnard Castle Boy 80/1

Wuhan Avenger 80/1

Aaaargh Rate 100/1

Vaccine Saviour 250/1

Second Wave 300/1

The End Is Neigh 1000/1

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