Wide Wednesday: Colourful

Typically, given the theme for today's challenge, it's been grey and rainy all day here. This was taken when we ventured out for a walk this afternoon - we've got so used to our daily exercise now that the persistent rain wasn't going to stop us, even if we did need a change of clothes when we got back.

This morning we ventured down to the local recycling centre with the last three months' garden waste. It was quieter than it normally is and extremely well organised to ensure distancing.

After yesterday's refusal from our insurance company, I had a long chat with our contact at the tour operator this morning and feel more optimistic about getting our money back. She assured me several times that they don't want to leave us out of pocket and asked me to send copies of the receipts for our additional flights and other expenses so that she could see what she can do. I got the distinct impression that they have been waiting to see how many insurance companies would pay out in the hope of sharing the cost with them and then accepting that they might have to pay back the rest of us whose insurers won't pay out. Hope so, anyway!

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