Everyone needs a Hug

We took Bella on a short walk this morning. I was wondering how she might cope with seeing other dogs after yesterdays attack so we were very cautious  as dogs approached her - trying hard not to show my own anxiety - but she coped beautifully and after lots of praise we carried on. She did me proud.

We cut our walk short as I wasn't really feeling it and felt quite tired. I say short - we still managed 4 miles.

Its been a quiet afternoon at home while Mr W works on his computer and I did a bit of crochet. I belong to a local Crochet group on Facebook. Someone needed a certain colour yarn. I was able to help and left it on the door step for her. She posted a lovely card through the door. \I love things like that.

A bit like this beautiful Hugs Heart, posted to me by lovely Charlotte. I love it. Its taken pride of place on my Drift Wood tree. 

Which leads me nicely onto the fact we have been able to change our June Newquay booking to another date in July. Its a different house and not so nice but I really want to get to see Sam. Hopefully Cornwall will be ready for visitors by then. xXx

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