Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Another day with prolonged opening hours. I came at 4 in the afternoon and worked until closing time, which should be at 6 o'clock, but dragged on another 10 minutes because of customer not respecting when we close.
And, I was on my feet most of the time... taking care of plants, moving a whole bunch of plants, answering to obvious questions and so on. With the 'obvious questions' I mean things like:
Q: 'What's the name of this plant?' 
A: 'It's written on the name tag'
Q: 'How much does this cost?'
A. 'The prise is on the pot'.
One customer said the prise wasn't on the pot, so my coworker looked at another pot with the same plant that had the prise tag and told the customer. When I passed the plant the customer was holding, I lifted it up slightly to see if we forgot to put the prise on, that happens occasionally , and spotted the prise tag immediately. I showed it to my coworker, discreetly, and she just laughed. 
So, busy day, but fun! :) Photo is from the front of and connected to the two greenhouses.
Time for bed, I'm beat.

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