Week 11 - Day 3 more tiny veg

I had another early start today, which didn’t go to plan, work-wise, but by the end of the day I had made enough progress to feel reasonably happy with my efforts. I also had a longer than normal lunch break and phoned mum and dad. Dad has been shielded up to now, but today went for a walk around the corner to post some letters. He didn’t take a stick, but hopefully next time will. A proud 90 year old! Mum had a fall outside in the dark 2 days ago, because the security light wasn’t working. Thankfully it has now been fixed. There was good news too though, as they had a visit from my Aunty Sue yesterday. That always gives them a boost. They are keen to come up to Norfolk and we are hoping they will be able to for Henry’s 18th birthday at the end of the month. We want to start making plans so that it is a day to remember.

After work I did another one of those 30 minute workout videos on YouTube. Then spent a long time online doing quotes for Henry’s car insurance. He passed his test on 14th Feb but hasn’t been able to drive since. The lowest quote was a bit under £1100, which he said was good. When Daniel gets his new car in a weeks time, Henry will be buying the old one off him. He is excited, I know, but won’t show it.

My mange tout in the greenhouse have suddenly started to flower and a couple of tiny pods have appeared. I’m hopeful that next week we might have enough to eat. I tied up the stems this morning as they had run out of stick to climb.

Now it is the repair shop. I love that. I wish I had a fun job like theirs. I’m sure I could have done any of those jobs with a bit of training. Then sewing bee.

We are up early tomorrow and heading to Manchester to empty Mollie’s student house. It can’t be left any longer, and Mollie is getting desperate for her clothes etc. Poor thing came home on a train in March with just a bag of clothes. She is most looking forward to being reunited with her 3 dressing gowns.....with that in mind, we are taking the trailer!

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