
It felt like winter today. Without periods of sun it would have felt bleak.

Jasper isn't happy and we went to the vet again tonight. Sometimes he crumples onto his left side and cries. A few minutes later he walks almost normally.

We now think that he has injuries to his right knee and lower spine. We're also thinking that his tumble last evening worsened an existing injury, probably related to whatever happened to him last Saturday.

His claws aren't worn down so he probably wasn't clipped by a car. He may have been in a fight or chased by a dog. The vet couldn't find a bite and Jasper hasn't got a temperature. Or, perhaps he caught a leg in something.

It's a bit of wait and see. He'll need to stay inside for as long as we can both tolerate it. Perhaps it will settle quickly. If not we'll change the plan and look at other options.

Today's gratitude: For the warmth of the sun on my back as I walked down the road.

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