Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2002. Lenny the Lick

This is Lenny and he is possibly the most lickiest dog I have ever met and if drooling was an Olympic sport he would be a triple gold medal winner.

He is also the gentlest, most adorable pooch outside of Soleil, Arwen and Nutmeg, that I have ever met.  He lives upstairs from us with the neighbour who was blue lighted to hospital a wee while ago.  Our neighbour is fine and despite spending a couple of days in hospital he is now absolutely fine and what’s more his Covid-19 test was negative which was great news for him and for all of us.

Lenny always licks us to death when we meet him but today he had to social distance which was all but impossible for him and involved a fair few treats to stop him lunging at us!

Meeting my youngest for a socially distanced bring your own lunch today using our neighbour’s patio outside which will be really good as it’s so long since we’ve spent any time together.

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