When we saw these fake windows we knew just the place for them! The wall they now reside on was rather bland to say the least and when we just had it repainted a few weeks ago it made the blandness even greater! So action was needed! Mr Tbay had been contemplating a piece of wall art of some kind and I came across these lovely ‘windows’ which give the added illusion of being half open. No contest! These were the ones.
Mr Tbay hung them and they are just lovely and real add a very nice feature to the walls. A success! Our most severe critic Miss Tbay loved them too so they must be good.
Farming - Two on compost. Mr Tbay Jnr on billing.
I am still on the VAT / Bill job but nearly finished. I must say that the new programme we use for our accounting is really good and does in the long run save lots of time.
Take time to see they extras!
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