Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

Looking Up!

Had to dash into town today, but remembered to take my camera, rather than relying on my phone camera (although that is very good).

I had taken lots of different photographs - with people looking at me rather strangely, as they do in a shopping centre - but undeterred, I kept clicking.

There is a great deal of building work going on in our town centre, and as I was walking to catch my bus looked up and saw the various lines of this new build. There is something about cranes that draws me too - don't know what, - and if I was invited to go to the top of one, I would definitely decline.

However, the sky was bluer than blue and this shot appealed to me. The wind was very sneaky though and it was bitterly cold, but I guess blippers get to be quite tough when they are looking for material.

Am now back at home in the warm, and ready to start on my 3rd Wise Man - I had finished him, but didn't like how he looked, so chopped off his head, and am about to start again. Will post photographs soon.

Enjoy your weekend.

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