Friday Feeling

This morning Jud and I headed to a doTerra oils workshop, introducing all the latest blends and products. So many amazing scents...for the doTerra folk amongst us, I especially loved the 'Adaptiv' blend.
Jud came back for lunch which pleased the kids no end!! Asha and I had a mooch around the shops later which was fun. Danny headed off to San An for a 24-7 get together, so the kids and I packed a picnic and headed to the rocks. Everyone else was pretty much going, so it felt very peaceful. That's Formentera you can see at the top left of the pic. 
Bumped into one of our friends on the street, he needs me or Danny to go to the Police with him next week to file a report saying his documents have been stolen. It's a nerve wracking prospect, the police are positively unfriendly here and don't make anything like this an easy experience. He also wants a tent he can put up somewhere hidden so he feels he has a space called home...we'll see what we can source...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A different kind of morning with the essential oil gang. 
2) Tea at the rocks - what a privilege.
3) Beautiful uplifting scents - all the various oils this morning, tomatoey garlicky pasta, sea air, Nate's hair...

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