Washington, DC

There were more military forces running around DC than most of us were aware existed. Because DC is not a state, the President has been able to deploy everyone, including immigration agents and prison guards. A former co-worker who lives in DC wasn't able to sleep for three nights straight because of helicopters flown down at house level, all night, each night. They are attacking peaceful, protesting Americans with tear gas and concussion bombs and pellets and we know this because they are doing it in front of cameras and even attacking journalists. 

This morning the mayor of DC had the road leading to the White House painted with "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and at 11 am renamed a street in front of the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza.” 

I know that we all have to accept our limitations sometime. It feels wrong not to be there, but I finally realized what I can do instead. I have the footage already and was planning to make a video, but got distracted with life and then another video. I will focus on this one this weekend. 

This is the same panda bear I put in the bamboo in the park. It was a give-away at a Mystics game two alternate realities and a decade ago. The bear is playing with another wind-up toy I gave Karen. 

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