
By HClaireB

Rescued roses

Still almost no rain today but a fierce wind.  I tied in everything I could in the garden this morning but ended up cutting these roses and peonies.  I almost never cut flowers from the garden as I prefer to enjoy them growing outside, but they wouldn't have lasted until tomorrow.

When we bought the house the garden was a clearing in the woodland much smaller than it is today.  We have been slowly pushing the edge of the garden back towards the trees, and have discovered that once upon a time a keen plantman must have lived here because we find beautiful roses and peonies and unusual shrubs clinging to life amongst the brambles and nettles.

About a month ago everyone was posting photos of their home-made scones.  I couldn't join in because I had no flour.  But this week our village bakery was selling flour.  I think the extra shows that I am better at baking than food photography.

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