a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Its been overcast, cold and windy outside, so not really a day for being outdoors.  Fortunately I've had plenty to keep me occupied indoors, and I still haven't managed to start my tax return :-)

This is the guitar that I've been playing almost exclusively during lockdown. Its a Gibson Les Paul, for those of you that don't immediately recognise what it is or are not that interested in guitars (and there's no reason why you should be).  The colour is "Sunrise Tea Burst" although its been described in many unfavourable ways ("the orange guitar" was my least favourite).  It does look a bit like a cup of weak tea though. 

This is definitely not a picture of a plant or an insect so hopefully passes the Brentastic test .... and in case my nephew Chris sees this, the key thing that will be of interest to him is the weight of this guitar.  It only weighs 7lbs and 8ozs.  That is seriously light for a Les Paul.  Which explains why its been possible to play if every day during lockdown.  If it was in the more traditional 9lb to 10lb range for one of these guitars I would have damaged my back by now.

Finally, for the photographers amongst you, despite carefully dusting this guitar with cloths and aerosols the end result was still plagued with little dust specs (although by no means as much dust as there was on the guitar before I started, and this despite my playing it every day and keeping it in a case when I'm not playing it).  However, the revised heal feature in Capture One made removing the vast majority of it child's play.  It took a few minutes only, and I could have spent a few minutes more and removed every single remaining spec of dust had it been important to achieve that.

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