
I love the Goldfinches but they seem to be very shy around here. This pretty (handsome) male comes to the feeder but always goes to the back side. Make it very hard to get a good blip picture. He is sharing  the thistle with a male wren. We also have a Mountain Chickadee nesting in the yard but am not close to getting their picture. They fly in and out of their nest box at close to the speed of light. At least it seems that fast when trying to take a picture. 
The extra is an exceptional yellow iris well hidden behind the rock garden. if B had not seen it, I would have missed it. May need to move it  to a better spot this Fall. The other group of iris are much more visible. 
We have some rain coming through today so no outside work but at least I have time for the joyous job of catching up on bills.  

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