CV measures #78

Black hairstreak
Following my sucess at seeing this rare little butterfly last year I thought I would re-visit the site and see if I could see it again. I didn't arrive until ~ 11, by which time the car park was nearly full! Thankfully they weren't all looking for butterflies or i would have driven straight home as I take social distancing seriously!  There was one guy with a camera watching and he told me (from a suitable distance away) that they had seen 3 during the morning... which didn't seem too hopeful, and i was just debating returning on a better day (earlier in the morning) when this one just fluttered down and landed literally at my feet! 
I did stay  another half hour, but the shot was in the bag inside 5 minutes - I felt very blessed!
Grateful today for - The great outside where social distancing is easier.
Butterflies that come to find you!

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