Summer's over then
A very chilly start to the day. I woke early, breakfast, then up on the plot by 6.30am. A cold north westerly wind blowing, my poor tomato plants looked as if they were in shock. I slotted in another sheet of corrugated plastic on the windy side, double glazing might help. Overnight rain again, but the soil below the foliage on the potatoes dry. Not nearly enough rain to do any good. I emptied the green waste collected from the garden yesterday, pulled some radish 'White Icicle', & rhubarb. I'd promised Jean some last time I was gardening at BT. They like rhubarb crumble. :- ) I pinched out the tips on the broad bean plants, a feed for Mum with her meal, grabbed my secateurs, next stop George & Jean's. I was very early, my hands were frozen, so pulled in to a gateway on the Old Liverton road, poured myself a coffee, then wrapped my hands around the mug to warm up. 7.20am & 7deg C. No wonder my hands are numb. The wind blowing a hooley. I hope my gardening jobs are in the sunny part of the garden this morning. A lady motorist stopped and asked if I was okay. She'd noticed me parked earlier when she was driving in the other direction. Very sweet of her. I arrived dead on 8am. I could hear George moving around inside their park home ... He's quite heavy on his feet. Amazing what you can hear. The clock in the greenhouse said 8am. George called me from the doorway. I got my "orders" from Jean, & my request from George. They both came out for a chat at different times as I was working, we have a good laugh, obviously observing the SD. I finished at 1pm. Jean gave the radishes the thumbs up having sampled one. George does'nt like them. Today I found out that Jean likes spicy relish, mustard, chutney, & red sauce. George likes brown sauce. George providing the info.
Next stop Mum's ..... Omg!!!! I'd got a blackfly invasion in the car. They were everywhere when I opened the boot to take out the compost, dahlia & nerine plants. The broad bean tips the culprit .... I thought the black fly were dead. I did'nt check .... OPS!!! As I walked up the path to Mum's door I noticed a small poo on the path. Oh! I wonder if that's hedgehog poo?? I bet Mum has left that there for me to see ............ She had. She thought it might be hedgehog poo as well but neither of us are genned up so will need to Google. There has been a lot of publicity about the increased number of hedgehogs around.
Home for a late lunch, & Mr Happy ............ not. I hastily headed for the allotment to de-blackfly the car. Fingers crossed I won't find any tomorrow morning.
Mum gave me a frozen M&S ready meal, Shepherd's pie with celery & cheese topping ... One of the goodies in her food bag from my brother & his wife. She did'nt fancy it. It was horrid, tasteless, slop! My husband suggested that next time Mum offers us any food we "give it to someone who needs it". I made a rhubarb & strawberry upside down sponge. Bootiful with lashings of double cream :- ))
I dropped off to sleep on the sofa after dinner tonight. Hubby took photos of me & sent them to me on WhatsApp. No comment, just the photos. His sense of humour .............. not mine!!!!!!!!!! I deleted them without acknowledging that I seen them.
A silly day all round ........... what will tomorrow bring I wonder.
Thanks to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday
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