Through the eyes of a child

Lots of talk today about the Black Lives Matter campaign. I had a chat with Anya about it and tried to help her understand a little more about racism in relation recent events.
She commented “well we’re lucky here in England Mummy because people would never treat black people like that here” (as in America)
Sadly we all know this is not true and there is a lot more to be done to create change. Educating the next generation has to be one of the most powerful things we can do.
Some say young children don’t ‘see’ the colour of people’s skin. I know Anya does; she often comments on differences but it is simply that; an observation, a difference between herself and a friend perhaps but certainly not a negative. She likes differences; it’s what makes us unique and diverse.
We read various books celebrating diversity, exploring racism, equality, civil rights movements. Anya has learnt about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and one of her favourite books is Maya Angelou’s children’s biography. But to her these struggles are all ‘history’ and couldn’t possibly still be relevant today?
If only she were right.

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