Candyfloss clouds and

A flock of crows, at least that's what I fink them there
birds are :-)
Had a lovely visit from no 1 G'Daughter she as some
of you know is a hairdresser, so she can talk oh boy
can she talk, she took her car over as in the ice last
week she slipped a bit and hit a curb and broke the
thingy that goes over the wheel thingy, and Mr L told
her to bring it over so he could fix it, so while he was
doing that in the freezing cold old shed, we sat with the
heating and fire on, and she told me all the gossip it
was riviting so it was hahaha.We are both selfless......
She has a new feller which we will meet soon, and as
I have said before I must get his name right, I have
been remiss with their names in the past, they do have
a laugh at me, so that's good..... I think :-D Go Large to see
the birdies
Snowy showers up here today, and over night but not
a bad day, hope your all having a loverrrly day.

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