Poor Ali.

Or as we say in our family “ Poor me, pour me another”.

Been a night and day of cleaning up after, and cleaning up Ali. And for now that’s enough information! She’s been quite poorly, the pain killers have not suited her at all. Managed to get a Vets appointment this morning, never good for your bank balance on a Sunday! Good news is she seems more comfortable this evening, although still not ‘right’.

Wonderful to have friends in 'High Places'. Got a phone call from a practicing  Vet friend in Germany, she has dogs down from my breeding and she gave me some worthwhile tips and advice for which I'm very grateful for.

Other than that we managed a chaotic zoom family meet that was supposed to be a disco for Jeff’s 72nd birthday ! With a poorly dog and grandchildren aged 3 weeks - 5 years was as good as it could be! Jodie's first day on her own with three children as Dean was back at work today.

Let’s see what next week brings?

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