John brough a second hand bundle of pawpatrol toys from ebay that arrived yesterday. The girls are obsessed with this series and were over the moon and have played with them literally all day today. Ivy even insisted on taking some to bed with her this evening. Its very cute listening to them play and saying all the dogs catchphrases, they also both suddenly switch into an american accent when they are playing and pretending to be the characters. They even use american words that they have picked up from TV such as I heard Ivy saying 'we need to go to the store' when ordinarily she would call it a shop. They are such sponges and pick up new words and phrases so quickly.
John's Dad visited for the afternoon. Luckily the weather picked up so we could sit in the garden. We briefed the girls about keeping a distance and they understood and did well. They were happy to see him.
This evening we had our weekly call with my side of the family, it was good fun.
John has been suffering a lot all day from the beer, rum and jaeger from last night... It was such a funny night and one we will definitely remember. I only had a few ciders and one jaeger so I was feeling quite fresh and smug, although tired now and ready for bed zzzzzz
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