The last one at the gym!

Gym was opened at 3.6., so it took me few days to get my bones into the business. I am proud of this anyway!

After a long night sleep (second good night, by the way, after the dreadful last week), I had a long walk in beautiful nature with my daughter, and hubby left driving with his motorcycle. Everything was fine, but as we came back home, hubby was home already. A bit silent he was. He had crashed with a deer. Nothing too serious, it was quite a low speed happening, on 70km/h.
The mask of the motorcycle had had a hit, among small other equipment, and the deer was injured on it's hip. He had to call for help (for the deer mainly) and then drove home. Sad situation. A new motorcycle, only less than 1500km driven. Of course he has good insurance for it. And you never know what happens. He was lucky not to get any injuries himself.

After a good meal we had to take it easy for a while, so the time flew and I bet that no one came to the gym after me and my daughter. We did begin our excersice at 9pm, and we left at 21.45.

It has been rather a peaceful weekend. With big emotions of course.


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