Don't Be Dafft

Here are some mini daffs. They are in the lean away and have 'come again' after been neglected all summer.

Also, in the lean away are the contents of the bedroom chimney. We'd noticed a few bluebottles in the bedroom, and I saw them coming out of the fireplace.

I feared the worst, a maggot ridden carcass of a bird and swarms of flies, decaying flesh etc. Mr H is a hero, an absolute hero. He popped the chimney blocker thing and pulled out a black bin liner full of birds nest and muck and all sorts. We did not find a carcass. I hope there is nothing further up the chimney. We cannot believe the amount of sticks and bird nesting material that he pulled out.

The bedroom is well scrubbed, as are both of us. Mr H looked like Dick Van Dyke from the Mary Poppins chim-chimminny-chim-chim scene. I have to say he has a better cockney acccent than Dick Van Dyke.

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