Stuck in continuous auto

My fuji needs a repair while I still have three months of warranty. Good for me I assume, but it is in fact the only camera I have owned that has ever got broken. My wife's slr had a broken mirror, but besides that I never had any issues with any of my cameras: my first Olympus slr, Canon d500, Canon g7x, Panasonic G80 (don't own it, only use it in work) or my Nikon d610. Should not make any conclusions based on a singel camera, and this is the camera I have used most intensively (literally every day). But it's still a bummer! 

Getting it to the shop on Wednesday and will be using my faithful Nikon for few weeks to come. 

The pictures is from my evening walk that we take while we live at the cottage. It's the same barn that is on my profile picture. We will be here most of summer as we will keep on distance working.   Happy to have a dog that I can walk with without a leash. He really is a great companion. Few more pictures of this gorgeous little fella in the extras. 

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