Under the Boardwalk

Slept well......chilly this morning though.
Stuck to the promise I made myself and went out for a run, had two fresh apricots and a handful of walnuts first, then on went my Spotify "Running" playlist, in conjunction with my Couch to 5k app......Michael Jordan's dulcet tones in my ear ;-) I really enjoyed having someone "coach" me, spurred me on.

Back home, a quick shower & change, then we were off in the car for an afternoon stroll in Southport. Weather still cloud but pleasant.

First stop was the little tea shop near the Pier, two coffees and two bacon rolls......I was starving!! Not too busy anywhere, so we wandered along the Pier, still not open beyond the road. Then down onto the Promenade, walked along to where the Flower Show is usually held. We sat in the sunhsine for a while looking out across the sea, which was in, a rare sight indeed, it was lovely and warm!!

We walked back again towards the Pier, the light was really great, see extra, then when we got beneath the Pier I managed to line up this shot using my new lens, my birthday present, was delivered 15 minutes before we left home :-) think I am going to enjoy using it :-)))

We crossed over to the Icecream van and hub boughht two 99's.....not something I usually have, ut did really enjoy it :-)

A walk around the Marine Lake........eating our icecream, then back to the car around 4pm. 17k steps for me today.

Home just in time for the Update, actually watched it today.......then a cuppa sat in the garden, a potter, some deadheading & watering. Put the shepherds pie in the oven to heat up for dinner.....it was really tasty, some how these types of dishes always taste better the day after.

Tonight will no doubt involve sitting in front of the TV, yet again......hope you're all safe & well

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