
By BikerJim

~Windy and Dusty~

~At Sunset~

The only way this photograph
could have been taken
would be to use a filter.

Or it was taken on a very dusty day.
No filter used in the making of this image.
Wow, was it ever dusty today!

Thanks and put your dust goggles on, ok?

To the one rater(s) -
You are a dirty !%*@#?¶*§`%#*!
and so is the #?*¶#ª!@ horse you rode in on!!!!
This photo was in the number three spot on the rated page with 17 votes at 8 AM this morning, the 25th. At 9 AM it had received 2 one votes and now appears on page 13 of the rated images. You do know that you are not only insulting me, but you are also slapping the face of all the legitimate Blippers who did give this image a honest comment, or rating. You do know that now, right!
There is something fishy going on here and Blipcentral should be, almost, obligated to do something about it!
This one rater(s) is a gosh darn coward, and I'm calling you out, NOW!!! If I knew who you were, I'd personally come to your house and knock on your door and . . . !
You are a flop eared, lop jawed, cross eyed, bow legged, spineless, lower than low, cur dog!!! And I apologize to all dogs for putting them in same sentence as you, you snake in the grass, low life scum bucket!!! Sorry snakes and buckets, no offense to you either.
You probably don't leave comments with your little ratings because you can't! As I'm sure you cannot read or write, can you?
In that case, I'm wasting my time writing this ;o)

I know you despise me and my images
and probably a few other Blipper too and their images,
well my friend I'm sure the feeling is mutual!
So keep on playing your little immature game,
I hope you are getting stimulated by it now because,
You will get yours someday, I promise you, oh yes!!!
What goes around comes around my friend!

Wow, I sure feel better now! :o))

Legal -
In the writing of the above edit,
No threat is implied or intended.
I love you man, I really do ;o)

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