Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 80 Differences

Monday and 1 extra child joined our bubble taking my numbers to 10. The weather was surprisingly good again which makes a difference to playtime duty and we managed to do some artwork of designing faces out of natural materials outside in our forest school area.
After school Chris and I went for a walk and saw our friend Paula on the way who was bringing around a belated birthday present for me. In the evening I started to watch The Stranger on Netflix and I'm gripped!
In the news, deaths were at their lowest since March at 55 but they are often low after the weekend. New Zealand have pronounced that they are virus free and they have had 22 deaths in total. I hope that they can stay virus free now which they should manage with strict control over people entering their country. Michelle's mum is hoping to return early next year to celebrate her 60th birthday so fingers crossed that they get to go.
At the opposite end of the scale, New York state have had 30,000 confirmed deaths.
Following the statue toppling in Bristol yesterday, protesters are calling for the statue of Robert Clive, that is in the Square in Shrewsbury, to also be removed.

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