
The other grown-up is away for a couple of days down in London so whilst mum's away I put it to my youngest what it was exactly she wanted to do with all this dad time - "Swimming and biking every day. And eat more meat than usual." Well, we've been swimming and eaten a mainly meat-based Chinese takeaway so two out of three ain't bad I reckon. So far.

Anyway, we walked to swimming along the canal, the long way round and I was taking photos of them on the way thinking a portrait of a small child with some urban blight in the background would be just fine for today when we came across this piece of art that I'd not seen before. Basically along the fence separating the towpath from the building site someone has stencilled the following lines of text -

"In this place I would love _____"


"I wish this place was a ____"

There's a pot of chalks left attached to the fence for passers by to fill in the blanks with whatever they choose, my girls couldn't wait to have a go (and for the uninitiated, "Chimmy Chungs" is a actually meant to be Jimmy Chungs, a Scottish chain of Chinese buffet restaurants, and "rodents" refers to mice, gerbils, rats, whatever, she loves them all).

Next to this there's a skip over which the words 'FIGHT THE POWER' have been sprayed. I got asked what this meant, I put them straight on this one with a quick rendition, adding the occasional self-certifying bleep when necessary, obviously.

"Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps"

[Elsewhere today...]

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