Lockdown - Day 81

Look how lucky I was today, a Kingfisher!

A beautiful sunny morning so finally I got round to taking the elderly neighbour I shop for out for that promised walk. She hasn’t left her house for 11 weeks as she’s been too nervous to go out, so this morning we walked together down to the river where we saw this Kingfisher. I saw the bird flitting amongst the tree then it flew out and posed perfectly on the end of a branch before swooping down to catch a tiny fish, and then disappearing along the river. The sight made both of our days! In extras a couple of extra Kingfishers, after all, it’s not every day that I see and manage to capture this beautiful little bird! I’ll let you choose your favourite.

This afternoon it warmed up to 19 degrees, though became increasingly cloudy, and I’ve pottered the time away with odd jobs in the garden. This evening, a West Country Sports Quiz, after all, it is Tuesday!

Take care, stay safe and well...

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