Further my skills

By H0tamer

"I lost a screw

the boss said. Well, s**** him. Does he know how small they are? Where do we get a new one? This d*** thing is shorter than my leg, and I am 11mm long. He needed a PH000 (yes, triple zero) screw driver to unscrew it. And then he drops it, outside, under the carport. Into the dirt."

"Shsh", says the insurance photographer, "we'll settle that. No worries, You rather mind you tongue, you young man, there's a lady with you. And I'm sure he has some spare one that came with the new remote."

My tiny friend was right though, it was very stupid to drop the screw, 3mm in size or so. But obviously company B**** expected clumsy handymen and added a package with 4 spare screws. Phew, lucky me.

Extra: should give an idea of the real size of the screw...

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