
By bananablip

Miles from home

After yesterday’s cycle ride, my legs did not feel in particularly good shape this morning and so I was a bit apprehensive about mine and dad’s planned walk from my house to theirs. We estimated that going the scenic route would be about 15 miles. Normally I wouldn’t worry too much about that distance but exercising on already knackered legs is something that I’ve tried before and it didn’t end well.

A beautiful day to walk though, warm with sunny patches but enough cloud to make it enjoyable and not a complete sweat-fest. The final mileage was 18.5 miles and we’re both feeling (reasonably) ok this evening.

I got given some curried goat at the Food Hub on Sunday because nobody else wanted it and I knew mum and dad love it. Turns out it was neither curry or goat. To be honest, dad and I would have eaten anything tonight. We suspect it was more likely Nando’s chicken. In this family, free food is good food!

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