pegs cracking on with her homework. the school gave her a laptop to work on as she had been using my work one. daisy got a call from her music tech teacher to ask if they could showcase her higher submission radio show on the faculty website...chuffed for her! she’s so naturally good at music but doesn’t rate her talent. maybe one day.
I succumbed to temptation to order a sky mini box for the kitchen and ended up having a weird conversation with the sky guy on the phone which upset peggy. she said it hadn’t but I could tell. I had to say why I was in the vulnerable category and neither me or peg were expecting it. we talked it through....a few times. we’d already had a chat about morbid things that had been on her mind earlier in the workshop. poor toot, I hate this being on their minds and I just have to hope our reassurances sink in. we all watched jumanji together which was quite good then me, bee and peg ended up watching a program about the arctic circle. peggy ate her bombay badboy pot noodle she’d been desperate to didn’t blow her head off as much as expected but she did have ice cream at the ready towards the end. this week has been a heavy one so far - we all need to see beth, that’ll sort us out!

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