Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


The UK Govt. tells us that they are following the science and that they have performed at least as well as other European Govts. Neither are true. The fact that they even made the second remark proves that they are aware that any confidence we might have had in them is draining away very quickly indeed.

They are incapable of making a decision, sticking by it and ensuring that it is implemented, so they flip-flop, back-flip, U-turn. Dreadful Maggie would have declared them a bunch of wets.

Be that as it may, the lack of clear guidance is leaving the population in confusion and my employers are not exempt from that. The last plan for re-occupation including two tag-teams made sense, it seemed as though it had been thought out carefully. Today's re-think appears to be following Govt. guidelines in that it is being made up on the hoof without any real consideration about how it might actually affect the general population staff.

The new rules announced today by my employer are these;
Each department will be split into THREE teams;
Team A are those who are keen to get back into the office on Monday 15th June
Team B are those who are ready to return as and when the tide really turns (July?) but who are in no great haste
Team C are those for whom home-working suits best and will never attend the office as routine.

Well that's fine. In my dept we have two pawns, both of whom are keen to get back into a social environment, one bishop, who is ambivalent about whether he's in the office or at home, and one castle, who has always worked from home because his home is more-or-less north of The Wash.

But here comes the “Garden Clause” (I call it that because recent Govt. freedoms have permitted visitors to gardens but not to homes, so anyone with a garden continues to enjoy more freedom than those without).
The office will be open from 10am until 6pm.
My dept works 8 till 4.
10 till 6 does not work for us.
During the Xmas recess I was trusted to open up the office for all depts at 8am, so can that not happen now?

Fellow pawn & I have sent bishop to king in the hope that we can renegotiate a night's move.

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