
By andpieces

Great Big Cycle

........well......for me it was a great big 'push my bike over miles and miles of terrain (The Pentlands) unsuitable for my gumtree-great-on-roads-and-paths bike'.....see picture.

It was great though, such a BEAUTIFUL day. We started at Bonaly and I pushed my bike up the almost vertical hill............then I've no idea where we went but we passed (as John described it) Hobbit land (I no nothing about all that nonsense so I can't name the hills etc that he said we were cycling/pushing bikes through), the bit where everyone goes fishing,Threipmuir, over VERY VERY steep hills, through woods, passing more bits of water, then back to the start.

It took around 3 hours and it was hard work...............but good and beautiful but if I want to do this more often then I need a mountain bike.

I did a spectacularly comedic fall. I was cycling VERY slowly and hit the tiniest bit of ice and in slow motion (I really thought I was going to save it) fell off and landed on my back and couldn't get up cos I was tired.

The end bit was a pain in the arse because my brakes are so bad I couldn't cycle downhill so had to walk..........SO annoying but I'm a scaredy and it was VERY steep. Kevin and John enjoyed it!

John did brilliantly but the promise of an Ikea dinner of meatballs kept him going.

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