I stood on the hill in the cemetery and watched the swallows swooping along the road and over the houses again. I can't resist, they're so mesmerising. Here are a couple zooming past my local, The Nursery, where our group of care home singers used to practise. I wonder how long it will be before we can do that again, or be able to go into the homes and entertain them. Meles will remember the pub as it's where the folk club used to be back in the day when she was playing and singing up and down the country, and well before I came to live here. In fact she passed on to me an old t-shirt from those days, knowing that it's my nearest pub.

I noticed when I looked at the photo that there's a ghost sign under the paint on the side of the pub. It just says "Nursery Inn Wines & Spirits" as far as I can see, but it's not something I've noticed before from looking at it. I wonder what that rotting box next to the extractor fan is. It looks as though it might have been a little weather station at one point. Any ideas?

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