At what point do we stop using 'LOCK DOWN' as the title for our BLIPS? A lot of friends mainly those in England keep saying that life is getting back to normal?!! There's still nothing 'normal' about our life. Totally agree that Nicola Sturgeon is taking the correct approach to bringing Scotland out of LOCK DOWN, but it's still very, very, annoying that so many people are breaking the rules!!!

Ann's said it before and she'll say it again...................... she won't feel that life is even remotely getting back to normal until she starts working again, until she can rent out our house in Cornwall again, until she can get her hair cut again, until she can have friends round for dinner again, until she can go back to her fitness club again.

All this meeting people out doors and having to stay 2m apart is getting a bit tedious now. Mainly because if it rains no one wants to come on a walk with me and Ann is getting fed up talking to herself.

Today the weather was OK so we popped back to Corstorphine Hill for a social distancing walk with some of Ann's friends. She still finds it really eerie in the woods (and two days after our walk there last week, police apprehended a man with a knife), so wouldn't walk there by herself. But who would even think about attacking a group of middle aged women and a gorgeous little collie pup????

Anyway we had a lovely two hour walk, though my 'jumping up' at random people is still annoying Ann. She thought she'd solved the problem, but oh no she hasn't. It's just we've spent so much time in LOCK DOWN walking on golf courses (where there haven't been many people) that I haven't had the opportunity to 'jump up'. Grrrrrr.............

To get back to our original question.......................... 'At what point do we stop using LOCK DOWN as our title for our BLIPS?' I've been 'locked in' a flat for 80 days with only my owner, Ann, for company. Hmmmmmm........................ it's a dogs life isn't it? I've been going on mega long walks and getting loads of attention from my human so I'm a happy little hound??!!

Ann says we will keep using LOCK DOWN as our title for another 20 days. That will mean that we will have been in LOCK DOWN for 100 days and that's more than enough for anyone surely?

Ann says that once we get to 100 days in LOCK DOWN she will start to 'break the rules'. And she doesn't care who knows it. LOCK DOWN was initially for 3 weeks. If people had known it was going to go on for 80 days plus, they might have made other arrangements for where they stayed and who they stayed with etc, etc.

Humans weren't created to be 'solitary' beings. And even those of them who choose to live by themselves, never, ever, imagined that a situation like this would force them into the position of not being able to interact with another human being in real life. #just saying

And now my human must stop RANTING because after all, she has me so she's not completely by herself.

Happy Thursday night peeps. #thingscanonlygetbetter

PS – The building behind me in this BLIP is the monkey house at Edinburgh Zoo. Unfortunately all the monkeys must have been indoors because we didn't see any today. Boohoo!!! We didn't see any Zebra's in the Zebra field either. Boohooo.

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