Queen cells

A long walk with callie this morning with 2m company.

Out to b&q to pick up order for the laird. Headed to carnwath to inspect bees and pass on the stuff.

Checked the trap camera nothing this time so moved to a place with tracks.

Went through the hives they have got going. This site is at 860ft so it takes a while for bees to get going. All with a laying queen. Then the second last hive and by far the biggest full of queen cells.

Sit the hive for nucs and apideas ready this one.

Eventually found the queen and left her with new comb and the flying bees. 2 nucs made up with the brood and queen cells and 3 apideas(little queen rearing hives) set up. Late back home and straight into zoom coaching session.

Good fun doing lots of footwork.

Food and tidying up.

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