When there is darkness...

...there is light

Work has been stressful and it’s a very different place. I didn’t agree with the government’s decision to re-open schools so soon, especially for the youngest children and I still think it was the wrong decision.
However, there have been plenty of positives to come from it. I have felt privileged to be able to work with such a small group of fantastic children. They have responded amazingly and we have chatted, got to know each other again, laughed and learnt so much.
Without the absurd amount of planning, paperwork, evidence collecting and scrutiny I’ve been able to be spontaneous and enjoy teaching again. I do hope we can learn a few things from this experience and look to what is actually important in education when things finally get back to ‘normal’.

Anya and Max are both loving this star nightlight before bed; singing songs together and making up stories.

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