Less is more
Been having a little play with the Bass guitar over the last few days. I seem to have a little more dexterity on the Bass than I do on a six string and I can play the music that I like to listen to on the bass. I found that when learning the guitar I would listen to a CD get all pumped up to the likes of Motorhead, Iron Maiden etc get the guitar out sit down and end up twanging along to Kumbaya which is a little frustrating, I know you have to start at the begining and if I was a teenager I would probably had more staying power but at 47 I have'nt. I do disagree with people who say that bass is the easy option belive me it's not, all instruments require heart, soul and feeling to get the best out of them and all instruments have their place in a band. The bass player of a band in which I was the drummer always said that a band is like a football team the drummer was the goal keeper (the wall that would keep everyone together), the bass player was the defence (beefing up the driving rhythm of the drummer), the guitarist was the midfield (playing the melodies which twist and turn and get the crowd on their feet) and the vocals were the strikers (getting the message out and winning over the audience).
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