
Today I decided to go for a good long walk across town to West End and back first thing, and get most of my Fitbit steps done. I only took my MP3 player and doorkey. No camera as I'd already decided what to blip.

I have done housework - just floors really - and baked some vegan chocolate brownies for Jae, which I think have come out OK He's not getting them all to himself!! I needed to pop out to the Co-op, so I took my camera along too to take my photo. 

The thing I was going to Blip will have to wait as it will still be there another day, but these two pretties probably wouldn't be, as I've never seen cats at this house before! They sniffed at my hand but did not seem to want a fuss, so I didn't attempt to stroke them.

I just tested one of the Brownies and it was lush!

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