Blackford Pond

Although it was too windy for this wimpish Lady to take to her bike, it was pleasant enough to do a circular walk round by Morningside and Blackford Pond, the latter seeming to be the place to take very small children to feed the ducks, (even if that is no longer recommended). It was the place my brother and I were taken as children and nothing seems to have changed.

Just out of the gates to the pond and on the way home, the road crosses over the south Edinburgh railway line. This demanded that as children, we be held up so see over the parapet in case there happened to be a goods train on the line. Now, fortunately, even being height challenged, I can see without anyone holding me up. Just beyond the bridge there is a wooden fence which in my memory always smelt in the summer of creosote and brings back childhood memories even today so many decades later.

I discovered on my stravaiging that the Timpson shops had reopened and so finally I managed to find some one with a watch press to put on the back of my watch which I had taken off to refit a new battery.

No TGIF drinkies for the12th week running and another bleak Saturday weather wise in the offing. Not only is it raining outside but there are drips coming through the ceiling in my hall. The excitement of a leak from above I can do without.

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