Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Back to normality.

The excitement was audible in Chatham last night. Someone somewhere was having a guideline-breaking party. There was music from far enough away for it not to feel like a personal assault and there were slurred drunken arguments going on in the High Street. There were bangs and crashes which may have been attempts at vandalising property or they may have been attempts at remaining upright.
I got the distinct feeling that it was a celebration and not a protest. Chatham sounded happy.

News from the work front is that it has been agreed that the Drawing Office pawns may arrive at work at 8am on Monday and let themselves in with the Bishop's magic key. Therefore it will be necessary for the Bishop to hand over that key before Monday. We have arranged a key transfer ceremony in the sunshine in the park on Saturday afternoon and all celebrants are to provide their own blankets and beer.

After work I found these outside the flat and it was evidence enough that Chatham feels like itself again. I took the trolley to its home and en-route spotted a third mattress in a parallel side-street.

Happy daze

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