B is for Bird

There you go Mountainbrew, the next in the alphabet!
A morning doing homework with Asha. Her music was to listen to this piece by Bach and then this modern take on it, and draw or paint how each piece made her feel. What a great task! She really got into the spirit of it. Later I took her on a prayer walk with me - what a privilege to share that with her and see what she noticed, what thoughts entered her head, how she felt in certain places etc etc. I've added an extra of her walking down Calle de la Virgen. 
Home and we headed to a farm Asha went to last summer and has been talking about ever since. A gorgeous place where you could feed the various animals and buy their fruit, veg and herbs. An absolutely brilliant few hours - the kids totally loved it. Plus it was really quiet and we had the entire place to ourselves - great for us not so great for them I can't imagine. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Prayer walking with Asha - praying blessings on the places and people we were around.
2) Countryside and nature. Love that grounded feeling when you're more connected to the earth.
3) Nate's thorough enjoyment of the farm - everything (except the turkeys haha) delighted him. 

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